Nigerian Dwarf Bucks and wethers are fed only grass type hays such as forage hay or Bermuda grass. Because of the urinary tract of male goats, wethers are at higher risk of developing urinary calculi or ‘stones’. The development of … Read the rest
Goats as Pets
Nigerian Dwarf Goats make excellent outdoor pets. They are herd animals so it is important that you start with a pair of goats or else they will be miserable when by themselves. As herd animals they will see you as
Getting your KuneKune Pig Pen Ready
Please take the time to get your property ready for your new animals. When they come to you they are young and small – so if it is winter be sure you have extra bedding until they get more bodyfat. … Read the rest
History of Kune Kune Pigs
Pronounced: coonie-coonie
Kune Kune Pigs come from New Zealand, where in the late 1970’s researchers re-discovered the breed and found them to be almost extinct. With only 50 left, they rescued the breed and brought them to the UK and … Read the rest
Feeding Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Feeding Nigerian dwarf goats can be as complicated as you want to make it. There are a hardy animal that are easy to please but the simplest of diets could affect the quality of their milk.
Simplest goat diet
The … Read the rest