Getting your Goat Pen Ready
Please take the time to get your property ready for your new animals. When they come to you they are young and small – so if it is winter be sure you have extra bedding until they get more bodyfat. … Read the rest
What to Feed Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Most people think goats will feed on anything, “tin cans,” but this simply isn’t true; they are actually very picky eaters. In spite of popular belief, Nigerian Dwarf Goats are not strictly grazers actually, they’re browsers. The difference between the … Read the rest
Supplementing your herd with Selenium
Selenium is a form of Vitamin E that usually occurs naturally in the feed for your livestock animals. However, there are several geographic regions where selenium is not found in the soil, so the locally grown hay will be deficient … Read the rest
Why Supplement with Copper
Copper (Cu) is an essential trace mineral required for the healing of normal connective tissues including tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bone. Copper is also important for vibrant color in a goat’s skin and coat pigments. Copper has also shown helpful … Read the rest